What is the correct way to measure using a tape measure,besides using the land rover tool,any suggestions out there
height calibration in a 2005 LR3
The key is to find the measuring location point from the body or frame to the ground.
In some cases, the correct measurement is from one suspension component to another suspension component but most measure from a location to the ground.
Springs will sag with age and years of compression. The tolerances are in manufacturer service information, usually in an wheel alignment section or suspension spring section.
The biggest key is that front left and right are within about 1/4 inch and the same for the left and right rear.
I would guess that body shops with frame aligning equipment would also be paying attention (but there are many who forgo checking ride height)
Why do you ask-?? -
Think I read that a straight line out from the center line of the CV axle then measure straight up from that line to the fender lip. It gives a measurement of 466 mm, then you do what ever calibration the procedure calls for to set the height sensors.Comment
Think I read that a straight line out from the center line of the front CV axle then measure straight up from that line to the fender lip. It gives a measurement of 466 mm, then calibration procedure to set the height sensors to read a value at that height.
Specs don't apply all the time for non stock .ha ha