I'm thinking about updating to the vantage ultra....anyone have any pros or cons issues I should think about???? thanks
vantage ultra
I would weigh the cost factor against how often do you think you are actually going to use an oscilloscope? If the Vantage Pro is in good working condition and you can buy the last available update for it for $450 or whatever it costs to get you by for a good few more years, then I think if you don't use a scope on a daily basis , it would be a con to drop 3 grand or more on a new one. Sometimes it pays to wait to see if The New Chinaman 4 channel Bluetooth wireless Nano Probed Port Freight MP408WL for $999.99 will suck a little less than their wired one does. -
thanks for the reply.........while the scope is one thing I was always a big fan of the other info that it has plus it seems the ultra has a way better screen and operating platform. I go to several different shops and I find having the component tests and the other info it has at my finger tips really nice...... does anyone have one out there????Comment
thanks for the reply.........while the scope is one thing I was always a big fan of the other info that it has plus it seems the ultra has a way better screen and operating platform. I go to several different shops and I find having the component tests and the other info it has at my finger tips really nice...... does anyone have one out there????
Other than the Official Snap on tutorial videos about the vantage ultra , there's not too much out there posted on you tube with folk using it.I Did see several brief ones posted from someone not happy with a 14.4 version showing slow screen refresh and it freezing up checking a fuel pump pattern.Newer Bigger and fancier doesn't always correlate into flawless operation and for the money a new one will cost , I would probably sacrifice the excellent guided diagnostics hand holding end and probably ante up for a 4 channel Pico and just attach it to a laptop PC directly to watch and save the patterns on the PC in much bigger better detail right off the bat and not have to worry about some inky dinky processors on a 2 channel toy freezing or playing catch up with everything then having to transfer to SSC to play back to see in better detail on the PC. I've read the software that comes with the Chinese Knock offs is basically garbage compared to PICO
My guess is the Modis Ultra has the same 2 channel scope incorporated in it so what you see on those Modis Ultra Videos should be a good indication of what to expect than one person showing issues with his Vantage Pro with 14.4.Last edited by Witsend; 11-28-2017, 10:58 PM.Comment
Mobile Diagnostics Scope
What scope did you end up using and would you go in a different direction if you had it to do over?
I am getting into mobile diagnostics and want a Pico but I have a need for something handheld and quick for component testing. I am looking at a Vantage Pro vs Ultra. Thoughts and or recommendations please.Comment