Good day everyone I trust your'e off to a productive start into 2023.
I have a question regarding the maximum voltage the Verus Edge scope can handle. On the back the the scope module it shows 50V AC and 75V DV as max. I know when scoping a primary ignition waveform the voltages can peak at 200 to 300 volts due to the magnetic field collapse. One of my YouTube viewers asked me if we should be using an attenuator and I really could not answer him. I do note the scope and multimeter limits can go as high as 400V DC. Maybe it has a built in antennuator?
I have a question regarding the maximum voltage the Verus Edge scope can handle. On the back the the scope module it shows 50V AC and 75V DV as max. I know when scoping a primary ignition waveform the voltages can peak at 200 to 300 volts due to the magnetic field collapse. One of my YouTube viewers asked me if we should be using an attenuator and I really could not answer him. I do note the scope and multimeter limits can go as high as 400V DC. Maybe it has a built in antennuator?