Hey all,
New here and new to the MT2500. Got a 1992 Jeep Cherokee XJ 4.0 AW4 4x4.
Hooked the red brick up for the first time today and wanted to read live data to check out my new stroker build. Almost everything shows up and works properly.
But I do not get Loop status or fuel trims?? It’s not that they are showing up as zero values, they are literally not there??
Shows rpm o2 and inj on the top of the screen
Then ign cycles 1-3 then goes straight to exhaust then map values?? I’ve scrolled through the whole list and no short term or long term fuel trims or loop status are shown.
I’m using the diagnostic cartridge up through 1997 so it shouldn’t be the cartridge right? Also scrolled through custom setups to see if there were any other settings I could adjust to see those values. Nothin there.
Can anyone explain this to me? I’m probably just a newbie and an idiot but I’ve searched all over for answers and I can’t find them. Seems the older renix Jeeps show this data no problem so I can’t see why my 92 wouldn’t show it as well?
Thanks for your time!
New here and new to the MT2500. Got a 1992 Jeep Cherokee XJ 4.0 AW4 4x4.
Hooked the red brick up for the first time today and wanted to read live data to check out my new stroker build. Almost everything shows up and works properly.
But I do not get Loop status or fuel trims?? It’s not that they are showing up as zero values, they are literally not there??
Shows rpm o2 and inj on the top of the screen
Then ign cycles 1-3 then goes straight to exhaust then map values?? I’ve scrolled through the whole list and no short term or long term fuel trims or loop status are shown.
I’m using the diagnostic cartridge up through 1997 so it shouldn’t be the cartridge right? Also scrolled through custom setups to see if there were any other settings I could adjust to see those values. Nothin there.
Can anyone explain this to me? I’m probably just a newbie and an idiot but I’ve searched all over for answers and I can’t find them. Seems the older renix Jeeps show this data no problem so I can’t see why my 92 wouldn’t show it as well?
Thanks for your time!