so the cartridge is bad.
Using the OBD2 cable with OBD2 end adapter for jeep? and key 13, is it?
there are no new cartridges. (for over over a decade or more)
just used and are called Pigs in a poke sack, anything used is.
the cost of repairing the cartridge is way more than buying a used one. Labor costs now are not cheap..
now they why it it failing list. (the OBD2 cable can be bad, you know that OBD2 uses not just 1 signalling pin or pair, each maker uses what they want, in your case it is.
if not needing bi directional tool for OBD2 why not just by a USB, OBD2 dongle and scan it that way, from say, $50?
now the way
well that cables bad/ intermittent. 15 to 15 pin
the cartridge is bad.
the cartridge was insert with power on the MT2500 and blow up the cartridge you will. do not hot swap them. or use 2 primaries at the same time, and remove the 2nd cartridge to see if it works now.
the EPROMs on the CART. are wrong or damage or put in wrong way or pins bent under them or only the PO knows what.
parts on the Cart (lid off) see damage or burned parts, or smells like smoke it sure is bad.
OBD2, USA, zj 96
PCM comms. only
only pins 6 and 7, SCI are used, DLC to PCM
so those wires must be good or it fails.
and ground !!! 4/5/ and Pin 16 , 12vdc power must be good to DLC, at all times if not the fuse to it is blown, loose or cracked

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