Solus Ultra no bidirectional controls?

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  • Alexvw
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2017
    • 3

    Solus Ultra no bidirectional controls?

    Hello, I recently purchased a Solus Ultra special edition from a friend a couple months ago. I bought it thinking that it came with bidirectional controls. The scanner is great, data streams are good, however I don't see any options for bidirectional controls in vehicle specific mode. It is updated to 16.4 which I believe is the latest software. My question is, does this tool come with these functions, and if so why do I not have them? A possible update needed? This is my first snap-on scan tool. Thanks!
  • Witsend
    • Nov 2012
    • 2942

    First of all , welcome to the forum , We don't know, what year make and model car are you working on? I don't know why your friend would have deleted files for Bi -directional controls unless he misunderstood what it is and he's a Clinton voter that's gender confused or something.


    • Alexvw
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2017
      • 3

      Thanks, I am not sure what they did to it lol. Is there any way to fix the tool or check the files like you are saying? I am a professional technician so this applies to all makes and models.. I have no other functions other than checking codes and viewing data .


      • Witsend
        • Nov 2012
        • 2942

        Sounds like you are just using it in Global OBD2 mode. I think current and newer model year cars it might be possible that the Bi directional controls may not be there yet because Snappy probably has to cross all their T's and dot all their I's to license the software and incrementally adds the functionality in updates every 6 months. Some GM cars going way back to 1996 where 80% are now in the junk yard might have finally had some function added in a newer update. I would try to see what the total size of your 16.4 software update files are on your tool and see what the total size of 16.4 should be , so you can determine if part of it might be missing.


        • sbreland73
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 1095

          Originally posted by Alexvw
          Hello, I recently purchased a Solus Ultra special edition from a friend a couple months ago. I bought it thinking that it came with bidirectional controls. The scanner is great, data streams are good, however I don't see any options for bidirectional controls in vehicle specific mode. It is updated to 16.4 which I believe is the latest software. My question is, does this tool come with these functions, and if so why do I not have them? A possible update needed? This is my first snap-on scan tool. Thanks!
          Depending on what manufacturer of vehicle you are working on, most bi-direct controls are in sub-menus.

          Example: 2003 F250.... after selecting PCM from main menu, I select Functional Test (called different terms for each auto maker), and I am presented with all the tests that this PCM (and Snap-on) support.


          S. Breland


          • carfixer
            • Apr 2015
            • 39

            what vehicle are you working on?


            • Alexvw
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2017
              • 3

              Thanks for the replys! Going off of your f250 example, all I would have in the menu would be codes, data , and generic functions which would include your monitors and what not. I do NOT have functional tests or trouble shooter on ANY vehicle. I have loaded over 100 vehicles (Domestic, Asian, Euros) in the tool since Ive got it and never once have seen functional tests or trouble shooter. I am familiar with the snap on platform, I also have a vantage pro and have used the modis, solus, and verus in school a couple years ago. The shop also has an old mt2500 brick we use for OBD1. To clarify when I said this is my first snap on scanner, I meant my first one to personally own, sorry for the misunderstanding if there was any! Moving on, I am in vehicle specific mode, NOT generic OBD. I will see if I can look through files, where would that be under settings?


              • BMW JEDI
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 422

                16.4 is current, ask your Snap-on dealer to reload the software, sounds like maybe something happened. All SOLUS ULTRA have bi-directional and troubleshooter AFAIK.

